Friday 24 April 2015


Up until a year ago, if you had asked me to describe my ideal body type in one word, I would have said “skinny”. “Skinny” sounded like such a dream; I felt like if I could lose 5 more lbs, or skip a meal, or a snack or two, my whole life would change for the best. So when I lost all the weight I wanted to lose and realized that life was still the same, and I still saw the same sad, unsatisfied, person in the mirror, I also realized that maybe being skinny wasn’t the ultimate goal for me.

Now, just like many other girls, I’m aiming for something completely different: Health. I simply want to experience health in the most holistic way possible; I’m aiming to improve physically, spiritually and mentally. This has honestly been one of the more difficult challenges I’ve faced, especially because I find it specifically hard to stay on track even if I really want something. No matter how many fitness Instagram accounts I follow (and stalk daily), motivation doesn’t seem to come easy, and if you’re anything like me, then you will know how upsetting it is to want something so much and not get it due to your own actions. That’s why I’m writing this post, to remind you all that you can eat better, you can workout and you can be happy with yourself—inside and out.
WHY: One of the things that helps me stay on track is remembering why I wanted to improve in the first place. Why do you want change? Are you tired of feeling self-conscious next to your friends? Do you want to see something different in the mirror? Or are you simply bored of your appearance? All of these are valid reasons to want to change because, evidently, you’re the only person that needs to be satisfied with the results your efforts provide. Remind yourself of why you want to be on this path and make sure you stick to it.

WHAT: What do you want to achieve? It’s so important to know what you want because if you don’t set yourself goals, how will you know when you’ve achieved them? You have to remember that your goals don’t have to be life changing; they don’t even have to be noticeable by others unless you want them to be. Make sure you set yourself goals that are more than just about changing your appearance. Try to run faster. Try to do 5 more push-ups. Kill it at the gym for 30 minutes longer everyday or simply climb that hill without feeling out of breath. These may feel like small steps for you, but your body will be noticing the difference and in no time, you will see it reflecting on your appearance too.

HOW: So, how will you achieve these goals? This might be the hardest part of the whole thing because although making an action plan might be simple, not many of us seem to be able to stick to it. A few good tips I’m planning on trying are meal prepping and, hopefully, convincing one of my housemates to eat healthier with me. Can you do anything similar? Or do you prefer to work on your own? Either way, come up with a plan and make sure you stick to it!
I really hope you guys enjoyed this post because I loved writing it. I know that setting yourself a goal and trying to stick to it isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but I also believe that determination and hard work can lead to anything you want!
Please let me know in the comments if you have any good tips about how to achieve your goals because I’m always looking for some advice! Also, if you run a fitness and health blog, make sure you tell me so I can be inspired by you!

**All images from Pinterest. 
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Friday 10 April 2015

The Liebstar Award

I'm finally writing a new post and it's going to be one I've wanted to do for ages: The Liebster Award. It's basically a tag that was made for blogs with a following of less than 200 in order to get the word out about them, which I think is such a nice idea. Thank you, Christie (texaspoppy), for nominating me as it's given me a chance to talk about myself without feeling too bad about it. Who doesn't love that? 
Here are the questions Christie asked me to answer:
1. How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
I've moved house 6 times so far, 7 if you count uni, too. I think that's a quite big number as I know so many people who have lived in the same house their whole lives, but I love, love, love moving house so it has never been a problem for me. I've also moved country once, which is way more interesting than house. 
2. What was the last book you read? Did you enjoy it?
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Although I enjoyed it, it wasn't one of my favourites but it definitely was just as creepy as the movie. 
3. What is your dream career?
Either working in the media or a child therapist. 
4. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Dogs. I think. This is too difficult.
5. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 
Hmm... Zoella, EssieButton and MeghanRosette are my three favourites right now. I also enjoy watching AmeliaLiana recently!
6. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
In nursery, I was a part of a dance show and my whole family was there-- both my parents, grandparents and my cousins. I just loved hanging out with my family in general though. 
7. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
All the southern states of America, Italy and Singapore. 
8. What is your favorite makeup product to purchase?
As everyone already knows: Lipliners.
9. What is a staple piece in your wardrobe?
Topshop jeans and a leather jacket.
10. What is your favorite app?
For social media, I love Instagram and SnapChat. As embarrassing as this is, I also still play Temple Run. What is wrong with me? I don't even know. 
11. What are your hobbies? 
Reading, exercising and cooking.
As much as I want to nominate some of the amazing blogs I follow, I'm currently in Turkey where Bloglovin is blocked, which means I don't have access to anyone's link. Instead of nominating 11 people, I want all of my followers to answer Christie's questions (as above) because I thought they were so much fun. I promise I will do a follow-up of this post with my own questions and nominations too though.
By the way, thank you guys so much for following me-- 100 is such a big number for me. I hope you've all had a great week and let me know if you do this tag.

                 Follow me on Twitter // Bloglovin

Monday 6 April 2015

LIFESTYLE: My Goals for Spring

Hi guys! 
My first week of blogging is over! I'm so excited and happy that so many of you have taken time to read my posts and, hopefully, enjoy them too. So, thank you so much for that.
Now, I wanted to share my goals for the spring because I find that the most effective way of sticking to a goal is to share it. 
P.S. Sorry that this post won't have any pictures as I'm out of the country at the moment and connection isn't great here. I promise I'll make up for it next week!
Let's get to it. 

1. A better diet. 
This is the most important one for me. I've been going to the gym for months and I haven't seen the results I have been working towards. As soon as May hits, I'm making myself a meal plan and sticking to it so I can finally improve my health and body and be fully confident in myself.

2. Finish my exams.
I only have two this term but they're extremely difficult and I'm finding it almost impossible to make time to revise for them (excuses, I know). I want to get through my exams and hopefully get a relatively good overall grade in my first year. 

3. Keep up on my blog.
Admittedly, I've only been blogging for a short time but I love it so much. Every time someone new reads my posts or comments, it gives me such a happy feeling and I want to make sure I don't fall behind on this while on vacation.

4. Read more books.
Books can be so life changing, and they have been too, for me. Ever since starting university, I've read so much less than I used to, which sucks. I'm going to make sure I start reading more again. After all, what's better than spending time tangled up in the lives of fictional characters?
Hint: Nothing.

5. Make more time for myself.
Who doesn't love pampering themselves? 
I often feel like I'm trying to do so much all at once, and it really wears me out. Before summer hits, I want to do at least one thing I enjoy alone, such as going to the cinema or having a nice long bubble bath. 

What are your goals for the rest of April and May? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter; I'd love to be a part of your success and happiness!
Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you don't miss my next post!

Thursday 2 April 2015

LIFESTYLE: Things I didn't know at 15.

It's such a confusing age. You think you're all grown-up but you still need someone to take care of you. You want to do everything; everything you see in the movies, everything your friends are doing, everything anyone talks about. But it isn't easy. There are rules and there are curfews and you simply don't have the freedom you think you need. 
At least that's how I felt.
I know that some of my followers are around that age where you're between being a teenager and taking your first few steps into the adult world, so, here are some things I want to tell you, and some I wish someone had told me. 

1. You will make life-long friends, but you don't have to make them now.
In school, I was surrounded by the idea that I would be stuck with the people I'd met there forever. How many times have people told you that these are your best years and you will build amazing and strong friendships based upon mutual trust? 
Honestly, maybe you will. 
But it's okay if you don't. I came out of school with only one friend and my life turned out pretty great. The people you meet there don't have to be your only hope; not when you're still so young, so don't force yourself to start friendships if you don't think they are meant to happen. 

2. You don't have to be in a relationship.
I know all your friends have boyfriends and all your friends' boyfriends' friends have girlfriends, and you feel lonely. But there's nothing wrong with being single. I wish I could have known this then because it would have made my life so much easier. It sure is great to have a boyfriend now but only as I've grown up have I realised that being romantically involved with someone doesn't have to complete me.
You can complete yourself. 
As Taylor Swift once said, in your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the football team. Which brings me to my next point.

3. Love what you love. 
Bullying can be a horrible part of growing up, but most people don't realise that someone doesn't have to say downright mean words to be classified as a bully. So many times during school, people gave me weird looks when I told them Taylor Swift was my favourite person and it used to make me feel so inferior to everyone around me. I wrote all my essays on her (where appropriate, of course) and idolised her like no other, mainly because I saw her as the big sister I never had. I preferred to spend time listening to music and talking to my (online) friends who I had met because of her while people my age were at parties, and that was okay with me. But it wasn't okay with other people. 
There will be name calling and there will always be someone who thinks what you're doing is wrong but stick to it. That's all you can do.
Once again, it turned out that I made the right decision by sticking to my gut and doing what I loved instead of what was "normal" because fast-forward 3 years and Taylor invites me and my friends personally to spend time with her backstage. 
Life is funny like that.

4. Don't be mean.
This one is pretty simple.
I was so mean to so many people for no reason at all, and if I could tell one thing to my school self, it would be this:
Don't be mean.
Don't be mean to other girls; they are not the enemy.
Don't be mean to your parents.
Don't be mean to yourself.
Don't do it. 

5. Things will change.
Last but not least, I wish I could've told myself, and every other 15 year old out there, that things will change. Things I thought would haunt me forever don't even have an effect on me anymore and I honestly hope that everyone experiences that feeling of being free.
In the past 4 years, so many things have changed in my life. I'm at university. I have friends that I love. I have a boyfriend who loves me more than I can put into words. I have a little sister-- what! I never could've imagined any of that. 
Things happen and life goes on, and everything eventually changes. Just enjoy the little moments.

I hope you guys liked this post, let me know in the comments if you have any advice for fifteen.
Check out my last post here!
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Wednesday 1 April 2015

BEAUTY: Kylie Jenner Lips

Kylie Jenner... You either love her or you hate her. For me, as I mentioned in a previous post, it's love and it has been for a long, long time. In fact, I was just telling my housemate yesterday that ever since I was 15, I have been inspired by her look and have done everything she's done ("is that why you cut your hair so short? haha" "... yes"). Her lips are no exception to this. Of course, she manages to make it look like a work of art and me... just kind of overdrawn lipstick, but over the past few months, I think I've gotten the hang of it. 
I know a lot of girls have had the same struggle so I wanted to make a master post of everything that will help you to achieve the perfect Kylie pout. 

Take care of your lips.
Always use an exfoliator. 
Lush, Lip Scrub, £5.50
I cannot emphasise the importance of exfoliation for perfect lips enough. I used to think I could just slap on some Vaseline and be done with it, but ever since starting to exfoliate, I've realised my lips have gotten naturally plump on their own. I use the one by Lush and prefer the Popcorn flavoured one, and I find that it makes a good difference in how my lips feel.
Buy it here.

Find the perfect lip balm. 
Mac, Lip Conditioner, £11.50
Okay, I know this is a bit of a stretch for some people, especially when you can get lip balms for £1 from Asda but hear me out. Wearing this lip conditioner has helped rid my lips of cracks and dry skin in just over two months, and when that happens, your lips naturally look bigger and healthier. You use it in the same way you'd use any other lip balm and apply it straight from the tube to your lips, then I just tend to leave it there as long as I can. I have to say that because it's so rich, I do wipe it off before I apply lipstick or pencils as otherwise, the colour doesn't transition properly.
 In my opinion, it's a must for this process but I can admit that there are probably other conditioners out there that do the same job.
Buy it here.  

Use plumper products.
Too Faced, Lip Injection Colour Bomb, £16.00
It isn't the most pleasant thing to apply a product and have to wait around for 4 minutes while it feels like your lips are being stung by bees but, sometimes, it's worth it. I remember when I was 12, I went on holiday with one of my cousins and she made me try on a lip plumping gloss and I was hooked. We put it on five times a night every time we went out, which, for a 12 year old, was kind of weird. But, hey, guess I've always been obsessed. 
 I'm not going to say this is a must because I know a lot of people can't handle the unpleasant feeling it gives them, but I have to mention that the Too Faced Colour Bombs are the best that I have tried. Although they sting for a little while, the feeling completely disappears after two minutes or so and it leaves lips looking so much plumper and nicer.
Buy it here

Find the perfect shade.
There are so many directions you can go with the colour of your lips when it comes to this step but it's always safer to stick to neutral tones in your first few tries. Kylie is known for using Velvet Teddy by Mac, but nowadays she also claims that she only uses lip pencils to achieve her look. I, personally, haven't tried Velvet Teddy yet and prefer to stick to pencils when going for the overfilled look, using cheaper alternatives to hers. I'm going to leave a list of lipliners and lipsticks you can use to achieve the look pictured above, and you can let me know whether you think they're successful or not.
Mac, Velvet Teddy, £15.50, BUY
Sleek Lipstick True Colour, Barely There, £4.99, BUY
Rimmel, Lip Liner Exaggerate, Addiction, £3.99, BUY
L'oreal Paris, Rouge Infallible Lipliner, Always Toasted, £5.19, BUY

I hope you guys enjoyed this, and please let me know if you've tried any of these products or have some tips for the perfect pout. I love hearing feedback so much so leave a comment if you can!

I am not being sponsored to write about any of these items.
Check out my last post here!
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Tuesday 31 March 2015


Picture from Zoeva's blog
At this point, I'm sure many of you have heard of Zoeva. For anyone who hasn't, they're a German brand found by Zoe Boikou in 2008 and as well as selling make-up products, they also support amazing causes such as helping women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy or fighting domestic violence. They first caught my eye with their beautiful rose gold toned make-up brushes and I have been lusting over their items ever since. 
Summer fast approaching means I can start working again, which means I'll have money to buy things like rose gold make-up brushes (just kidding, I need to get out of my overdraft first...).
For anyone who hasn't heard of Zoeva yet, and for those who are just as in love with their products as I am, I created a wish list of some of their products. 
Luxe Cream Lipstick, One Wish
Buy here

Rose Golden Luxury Set Vol. 2, Power Nude x Rose Gold
Buy it here

 Lip Crayon, Second Chance
Buy it here
 Graphic Eyes +, Black to Earth
Buy it here
Pure Glam Pigment, Crystal Orchid
Buy it here

Aren't they all so beautiful? 
Let me know in the comments if you've tried any of these products or any of Zoeva's other products. I'd also love to read some reviews if you've written any!
I am not being sponsored to write about any of these items.
Check out my last post here!
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Monday 30 March 2015


As we approach April, I can almost feel the sky getting brighter and the days getting longer. One of my favourite things about this time of the year is how versatile the weather can be; one day you're walking around in shorts and the next you can't leave the house without an umbrella. 
For me, April is the time I start transitioning from winter make-up to lighter and brighter spring make-up. It's perfect because you can just about get away with anything: Lighter shades, deep darks, pretty pastels... However, as a uni student on a very, very tight budget (one I don't always stick to) I like to look for quality products at an affordable price, which is why I wanted to share these items with you. As it says in the title, every item listed is under £5; a relatively low price for make-up.

1. Kiko Smart Lip-Pencil, Coral, £1.90
Kiko is a brand I've recently been introduced to and I could not love it more. I'm still trying to understand how they manage to have such high quality products for prices as low as- as you can see- £1.90. This lip-pencil is an obsession of mine and because it's so easy to apply, I love to wear it when I'm in a rush. It gives your lips such a beautiful and matte finish that you're bound to get complimented on them. I have it in the shade Coral but I will definitely be adding to my collection as soon as I go to Kiko again. 
Buy it here.

2. Sleek Eau La La Eyeliner, Venom, £4.99
I know, I know, another lip-liner. What can I say? I have been obsessed with Kylie Jenner since I was 15 (and she was 14-- yikes, so weird) and she has always been one of my style icons. So, of course I try to find a dupe for every make-up item she owns. When I saw this lip-liner I almost cried of happiness because I'd been searching so long to find a red that suited me. It sleeks (no pun intended) onto lips so nicely and I find that it's one of the most long-lasting lip-liners I've tried, so, it's a win-win situation.
Buy it here

3. Barry M Nail Paint, Matt White, £2.99
White nail polish is such an essential, but one that's as pigmented and thick as this one can make your whole outfit. I'm a huge fan of Barry M nail polishes and I almost never buy anything else. This white is perfect for any season, but I love to wear it during Spring to brighten up my outfits a little bit more.
Buy it here.

4. Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder, Transparent, £3.99
Although this may be an all-year-round problem for many of us, others find that they only start getting oily & shiny once the weather hits 15C. I know how much of a life ruiner it can be to get home and realise you've been shinier than the sun for the whole day and I can whole heartedly suggest this powder. I think everyone pretty much loves it anyway, but I couldn't not talk about it, especially considering it's £3.99-- so much cheaper than any other pressed powder I've tried.
Buy it here.

5. COLAB Dry Shampoo, New York, £1.99
I know this isn't a make-up item but I couldn't leave it out. This dry shampoo has the best smell ever and it's so effective too. It doesn't leave your hair looking white and powdery and it's so small that you can carry it anywhere.
Buy it here.

I hope you guys enjoyed my recommendations and don't forget to let me know if you have any other holy grail items that are under £5.

I am not being sponsored to write about any of these items. 
check out my last post here: 8 travel essentials